Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Serving Others

I was reminded the other day by the Atlanta traffic how selfish our world has become. I was in the dreaded right lane trying to merge before my lane ended. As an Escalade, BMW, Mercedes, and finally a Lexus passed me and ignored me trying to get into the lane finally a beat up old car let me into the lane. I am not being stereotypical at all by listing the above cars. Obviously though those people are well off and on that particular day they were only concerned about themselves. I was so frustrated by this that I called Scott and told him I hated the Atlanta traffic and Atlanta drivers were idiots!!! I then prayed for God to forgive me! haha

When was the last time you woke up thinking about what you could do that day to serve or help other people? I know for me when I get up I go straight to the gym(selfish), rush home get myself ready(selfish), make myself breakfast(selfish), drive to school yelling at Atlanta drivers(selfish), then come home and study(selfish). This is my typical day. God revealed this to me over Christmas break when I had less time to be selfish and more time to serve the people I love around me. We live in a world where life's goals surround around who can have the biggest house, the nicest car, kids in the best private schools, the nicest brand name clothes, and of course the biggest diamond wedding ring. What would our world look like if we took all those desires away and just lived simply putting all of our means to serving and living fully for God? I can guarantee you all sinful feelings would go away.

The bible says:

“This is my commandment, that you Love one another as I have loved you.”
John 15: 12

When God created human beings He gave something very special to every one of us, love. He intended for us to love him and to love one another. Like a seed love was planted in us since we were born, and if we attend it and care for it, it will root deep in our heart and grow through the years into branches and soon will provide shade, strength, beauty, and fruit to whoever comes close to it. So the question is, do we live by the love of God and the love for others?

So many people walk around life with no goal or chasing the wrong things, and life becomes meaningless. And they don’t realize that what gives life purpose is when we are devoting ourselves to serving God by serving others.

On May 15, 2010 I married a wonderful man who pretty much has this quality down pat. He lives simply and never asks for anything. He is perfectly content living our life the way it is (happy and poor). He illustrates to me on a daily basis what God truly means by serving others and I just pray one day I can be half as good as him at doing this. Ever since we got married I pretty much have been in school minus about 3 months. He cleans(some of the house I do most of it because guys just can't clean like us women), does the laundry, does the grocery shopping, cooks, fills my car up with gas, etc. Some would say I am spoiled and that is fine to assume that but truly I just don't have the time. I love to cook and I do it when I can but the best part about it is he never complains, NEVER. He knows that one day once I graduate I will serve him and give back to him. Now that we are pregnant he does even more. Just this past week he came home with chocolate covered strawberries just because, I asked for sweet tea one day and he made it happen, I asked for junior mints and the next night they were in my bedside drawer. He never looks for anything in return; he just serves to serve. He has such a humble heart. One night a few weeks ago we were out to dinner. We had a waitress that touched our heart and Scott decided to leave her a tip that was significantly more than our bill. He has such a love for humanity and Gods children. It amazes me. NOW most of you are probably gaging but this is all true. But trust me we have our problems and our issues.

I accredit Scott's ability to serve others to not only God but his mom and dad. They poured and poured the Bible into Scott. This is so important in our upcoming generation. We are stuck in this materialistic world and our future children need to learn the value of loving others.

“If I then, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
John 13: 14

Jesus Christ did a wonderful job illustrating to all of us the meaning of serving one another and how to show God’s work to those around us. Jesus tried to say that:

True servants need to be gentle and humble: Jesus entered the upper room to find it full of proud hearts and dirty feet. Not one of the disciples was willing to volunteer for the lowest task of washing dirty feet. They all instead fought for who was the greatest among them. Jesus quietly demonstrated to them the meaning of a leader (sees himself as one who serves, one who gives, one with a good attitude, and one who models Jesus Christ himself).

So maybe tomorrow when you get out of bed! Do 20 jumping jacks and then get excited about serving someone other than yourself that day!

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