Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Five Months going on Two Years Old!

I really can't believe my sweet girl is five months old. I haven't even taken her five month pictures yet, hopefully I can get to that soon! She is doing so much each and every day I feel like I need to write it all down. She rolls all over the place from front to back & back to front. She is almost sitting up fully on her own! She thinks it is so funny to scream as loud as she can in stores and then giggle! Just the other night she came to visit me at work with Daddy & she was clucking like a duck across the store so loud that I could hear her in the pharmacy! She loves to play and isn't too fond of sleep. We tell her she loves to party like a rockstar! After I found out I passed all my board (Praise Jesus! It is all because of him) we took a quick family vacation to Myrtle Beach. It was so much fun! But oh boy did I have unreal expectations of vacation with a baby! I had a picture that we would sit under our cabana and Copelyn would sleep while I relaxed & laid out! HA!! Yeah right! Copelyn didn't nap once. And she constantly wanted to be moving. She loved the ocean and especially the lazy river. There were many times I just floated around the lazy river with her while she slept just a little in my arms. We tried three nights in a row to go to nice seafood restaurants but learned our lesson finally because a no nap Copelyn doesn't make for a happy Copelyn! Now we are back though & back to reality we go! I started my first day of my real job as a pharmacist on Monday! I love it! The only bad part about it is being away from my sweet girl! It is so hard when your heart is being torn in two places but I know that I am right where God wants me. As soon as I get home I spend as much time as I can with my family! The one perk of being a pharmacist is you work long hours but get more days off which is great! I get to spend many full days with my Copelyn! My prayer all along is that the work I am doing is all for the glory of God no matter where I may be. Whether it be at the pharmacy, being a mommy, being a wife; I want to live like Psalm 40:8 I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart." I always go back to one of my favorite sermons Andy Stanley preached on Nehemiah 6. Here is an excerpt. It doesn't matter what the great work may be but make sure you are doing a great work for the Lord and you refuse to come down. This is so important. There are times that I worry Am I cheating Copelyn of her mom by working full-time? Will she grow up wondering where her mom was? Then I remember that when I am with her she gets my absolute full attention and I do my best great work when I am with her at being her mommy! And when I am away from her I am doing another great work that God has called me to do. She is always on my heart and mind but this is what God has called me to do: be her mommy and a pharmacist! I love watching her grow and being her Mommy! She truly is the biggest blessing and we are so thankful for our little girl. I am so glad God let us be her parents! It is such a joy!

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