Monday, September 10, 2012

Copelyn Reese is 7 months!

Oh boy! My baby is 7 months. I can hardly handle it! I have been a pretty bad mommy this month as far as taking pictures. I honestly haven't taken one except for at her baby dedication. I hope I get better. I am still trying to figure out how to juggle being a full time pharmacist, full time mom, and full time wife all at once! Copelyn is doing fabulous and she is so much fun! She is eating three meals a day & loving it! I aspired to make all of her baby food but I just haven't had the time to make it like I would like. I do make some things in the baby food maker like sweet potatoes, apples, avocados, and bananas but I am no Betty Crocker when it comes to baby food making! We are about to start weaning off nursing! My goal was one year but unfortunately my supply is dwindling fast with working so I am trying to stretch it out as long as I can! I think within the next two weeks we will be done completely! We are hoping this will transition Copelyn to her crib. Yes, that's right she has not slept a night in her crib yet!! I know many of you would tell me that it is awful...and I know it is bad but hey when I work 12 hour shifts and I don't get to see her all day I just want to snuggle her & for my sake it is worth it. (She does sleep in a pack and play next to our bed some nights) Copelyn's new favorite thing to do is scream as loud as she can in public places i.e restaurants, grocery stores, etc. She thinks it is so funny & it draws lots of attention! Most people think it is cute but I have gotten some ugly looks from some. I think maybe they forgot what it was like to have kids because in my mind I am generally thinking well at least she is not crying! Well, for other news in the Urbizo household....we had to find Molly another home. I know it is so sad and it was hard for quite some time. We gave her away about two months ago to a wonderful lady who had a farm. I didn't want to blog about it just yet until we knew she had a great home & was there to stay. She is playing with horses and other dogs. Molly & Copelyn could not coexist. Molly would growl at Copelyn & show her teeth. Even if Copelyn wasn't in the room Molly would growl at her pictures. We knew right of way it probably wasn't a good sign when Molly ripped to shreds Copelyn's hospital blanket from when she was born! So we miss Molly but we couldn't continue living with having to separate the two! And sorry but children before dogs always in this household! The two years we had with Molly were wonderful. She was such a joy & was like our child! We will miss her!
Lastly, Copelyn was dedicated this past month. Our family and close friends joined us in this celebration & it was so special & memorable. Our pastor Kevin Queen spoke a sweet special blessing over Copelyn that was such a wonderful memory! Below is the letter we read to Copelyn on her dedication day. I think it sums up well the great meaning of the dedication to us.
Dear Copelyn, From the moment God blessed us with you our hearts have loved you. Being your parents is so much more than we could have ever imagined. You bring us so much joy daily. You are truly a miracle from God and we are so thankful that God has given us the opportunity to be your parents. From your sweet smile, beautiful blue eyes, fun personality, and crazy hair you light up a room in an instant. You draw attention from complete strangers who find you just as lovely as we do. Although, some times you can get as mad as a hornet we love you through it. Mommy & Daddy have been praying for you for quite some time even before you were a thought in our own minds. Our love for you is so great and unconditional but nothing in comparison to your Heavenly Fathers love for you. February 7, 2012 the day you were born into this world was one of the best days of our life. You were stubborn from the start; not wanting to come out & meet us but after what seemed like an eternity for your mommy you finally made your presence! Since that day you have added joy and love daily to our lives. We love rocking you to sleep especially when you wrap your sweet hands around ours and rest your head on us. We love watching you do new things each and every day from rolling over, talking gibberish, sitting up, to trying new foods you have us convinced you are the smartest kid in town. One of our favorite things to do with you is bath time! You love the water and splashing your feet! We call you our little fish! You also have a love for the television. Mommy said she would never let you sit in front of the TV but something about Elmo just captures your attention that is so cute to watch. Mommy & Daddy want you to know we are fully devoted to raise you, to support you, and to lead you to grow into the woman God has planned for you to be. We know though that we are human and will fall short sometimes. We want you to know that when we do fall short, you have a heavenly Father who loves you and sent his only Son to die for our sins and your sins. He promises to always be there for you. Our only expectation of you is to love your Lord with all your heart and follow his will for your life. We will never question your dreams as long as you lean to God for understanding and wisdom. Our prayer for you is that you desire an intimate relationship with your Lord and Savior. We pray that you do not love the things of this world because they are only temporary, focus your heart towards the kingdom of God. Today Copelyn, we dedicate your life to our Heavenly Father and we pray that you will choose to follow God’s will throughout your life. We feel so incredibly blessed that God chose us as your parents & look forward to doing life with you along the way! You are our little beany! Love, Daddy & Mommy
So that's about it! Oh yeah we joined a couples small group and I joined a womens bible study! If you have the opportunity to do something like this I strongly encourage it! It is great to do life with people! It is amazing how when you get into a group with people you realize how much God wants us to be in community with others! Community is great! Well, since I am only writing about once a month...I hope y'all have an awesome September! I love fall!!

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