Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Heart...

Since I was a little girl I have always been a talker. I have always talked to just about anyone I came in passing with and for this reason I tend to form new relationships easily. The bad part about it is I have a huge heart. I give my relationships so much thought and energy that at the end of the day I sometimes feel a little drained because I love everyone in my life so much. BUT I would not change it for the world. I used to dislike very much that God gave me such a caring, concerned, loving heart. I used to pray that God would make me tough and hard so I could stand my ground more and be more mean. (I know that is a funny prayer to pray to God, but I did it; I am sure he gets quite the laugh out of prayers sometimes.) Overtime, or really in the past two years I realized that my heart is what makes me unique.

There are two things in life that I feel God gave me as my gifts to use to draw people closer to him as well as me closer to him 1) loving people and 2) running. I have always had an extremely hard time putting myself first. Typically, I will do whatever I can for others and then put myself last. BUT what god has shown me these past few years is that I can still do GOOD work for him by loving people but the one gift he gave to me for me that I can be selfish with is RUNNING. When I am running I am at such a peace. Whether I be running with a friend or just by myself I find myself just breathing in the fresh air and taking in all the serenity around me. It truly has been the place I worship God best. And I praise him for giving me the ability to run!

I realized today that I am still a constant work in progress when this sweet old man in a red truck was stopped on the side of the road. I went against everything my husband has ever told me about stopping to help people and I stopped. He was trying to get these huge metal round things to tie back to his truck. (I think they were underground piping but I am not sure) So I stepped out of my small Corolla and headed to his truck. He had to be 80 years old and he looked at me like "what are you going to can't lift these." Long story short I was able to help him get them tied to the truck and the sweet old man was on his way. Well, as I headed home I got consumed with the thought that I just stopped my car to help someone and I never once mentioned Jesus. What was I thinking!?

Then God reminded me that sometimes HE can do the work through me without even me saying a word about HIM. So I can just relax and use the gifts he gave me. So for now I will just keep on LOVING PEOPLE & JESUS and RUNNING. And I will trust he will use me for his GREAT WILL.

Now for your question...What are the gifts God has given you? and Do you use them to bring him glory?

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