Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Little Girl's Fight...

I will never forget the day last year I heard the song Little Light by Audrey Assad that was sent to me by a friend asking me to pray for this sweet little girl who was diagnosed with malignant brain cancer. I had never really been asked to pray for a stranger before or even thought about praying for someone I knew nothing about but as soon as I heard her story I just knew this family needed as many prayers as possible. Right away I started praying for this little girl daily and following her story that her mom would share on their blog. The family's strength and love for God is absolutely, ABSOLUTELY refreshing and amazing. Well, this past week I realized real quickly that you can't just come to God and pray when everything is going bad and stop when everything is going well. The little girl had fought all odds and kicked cancer's butt last year. I continued to read the blog every now and then but my promise to pray for this little girl drifted away once it seemed as though she was well again. Then for some reason this week out of no where during my quiet time I felt God leading me to pray for her again. I had not checked the blog in a while so after my time with God I got on the internet to find out the worst news ever... her cancer had returned. It put an awful pit in my stomach. Going back reading through the posts I just stood in amazement. This family is taking a horrible situation and honoring God fully! And by golly are they a blessing for the 10 million people that read their story. People all over the world are raising this little girl up in prayer and I am writing this blog tonight for that specific reason. Please lift her and her family up in your prayers. God can definitely perform miracles.

Here is the website as well if you feel compelled to give:

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