Saturday, January 14, 2012

4 more weeks!

I decided from this point on I would count down the weeks rather than count up to 40. Single digit numbers just seem to go by a little faster. At my doctor's appointment yesterday we had lots of eventful conversations take place. Scott goes with me to every single appointment and I just love that. He is so supportive and never misses anything when it comes to me & his little girl. We are both so ready for her to get here. Of course we would like for her to cook until 37 weeks but after that she can come any time she wants to. At my appointment we discovered I was 1 cm dilated and Copelyn's head was in place. So that is very exciting news. I plan to walk more these next few weeks and drink my red raspberry leaf tea to maybe get this show on the road!! I really need your prayers about the other topic of conversation we had yesterday. As you know I have to go back to my last rotation on March 19th. My doctor is willing to induce me as early as February 7. I really DON'T WANT to be induced because I know if this happens my chances of going natural are slim. But on the other hand if I could stay home an extra week with my little girl I think that would be more beneficial. After talking with Scott & my doctor we decided to pencil in February 7 as the day I will be induced if Copelyn doesn't come by then. Thankfully, my doctor told me she could induce me with other options other than Pitocin which would be wonderful. It is so important to me to do this naturally but on the other hand I want to be able to get a full five weeks off with my baby girl. So I am sort of stuck! If you could pray specifically that Copelyn decides to come naturally before February 7 that would be great! I know I am doing everything I can on my end to get this process going!

We are feeling pretty good & very tired! Twice this past week I got home and went straight to bed for the rest of the night. I think one night I slept 12 hours! My back is killing me from standing for 8 hours a day but it is all worth it! Little girl finally has her days and nights straight! She moves during the day now and sleeps at night! yay!

On the other hand, one of my best friends got engaged to her prince charming last night!!!!! I got the text of her hand with a stunning ring on it at about 8:00pm and I just couldn't contain myself with the excitement I felt for her. They are so perfect for each other! I am thinking she will probably go with a fall wedding because she can't stand to sweat or be hot! I am so excited to help her plan and throw her a wonderful bridal shower!!! Oh how I love weddings!

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