Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy One Year to Us!

Picture Perfect...Well I would like to think so. I married a man who literally does not ever take a bad picture. Its a great thing for him but not so good for me:)

All joking aside I wanted to write to reflect on this past year. Best year of my life for sure...Was it all that I expected the first year of marriage to be?? Nope not at all. I will be honest May 15, 2010 was one of the best days of my life thus far but no one could prepare me for our first year of marriage. I remember after our wedding getting back to our hotel and sitting in the bathroom crying. Why was I crying after a picture perfect fairytale wedding to my handsome husband and best friend you ask? Well, I guess reality hit more wedding planning, no more mom and dad to fall back on, etc. etc. Now I was actually married...Now I was actually a wife.

We went on our wonderful honeymoon and spent a week in paradise. Then as soon as we got back reality hit hard and fast. Back to work for us both. I started off pretty darn well. I cooked dinner every night, cleaned the house, did the dishes, did the laundry BUT that lasted about a month & then life got the best of me.

One month into marriage we decided to get a puppy! She is such a blessing BUT some words of advice: Don't get a puppy your first year of marriage!!! We love her dearly and would not trade her for anything! We had a hard enough time getting used to the MESS we made and it made it even harder having a little puppy to clean up after as well! AND I guess when your puppy is a spitting image of Marley from Marley & Me it makes it a little more difficult! She was such a rascal but at the end of the day we loved her unconditionally AND her kisses made it all worth while!

Then in August I started back school. And from there my wife abilities went very down hill. I could not keep up! I mean I could handle my laundry, my dishes, cooking myself dinner...but no one ever warned me that men wear 3 outfits a day and they eat so much more than women do!!

September rolled around and we realized very fast that having just one income was not so fun. We always promised each other we would never fight about money...Well, that did not last too long! All it took was one big fight over money and we realized how silly we were being! We weren't about to let money get in between us so we fixed that real fast! Ever since that ONE fight over money it has not happened again! We realized God was never going to let us go without as long as we trusted in him. So rather than argue about the money we didn't have we just found it much easier and much more peaceful to trust God!

November came around and we finally had it all figured out. We divided up chores, cooking dinner, and learned how to really budget well. Life was good! We even put together our first Christmas Card! and managed to get our wild doggie in a few shots!I remember thinking why does everyone always say the first year of marriage is the hardest? This hasn't been too bad...

December 16,2010....we found out we were pregnant! And boy was it the surprise of our life. As many of you know it took me a while to get used to this idea. We were living on a pretty tight budget already. I was stressed... how can we provide for a little sweet baby?

January 2011...We were on cloud nine! Pregnant and God was providing abundantly opening so many doors financially and spiritually...Life was fun! We were no longer strapped financially! We started the baby's nursery because we could not resist!

February 4, 2011 Our sweet baby went to be with Jesus! Literally the worst day of my life. I remember being on the phone with my sister in law sunken into the floor board of my car on my knees praying as I waited for Scott to fill out all the paper work at the doctor's office. I felt so helpless. I remember our lifeless little baby laying there with a flat line heartbeat. Oh how I wish these images out of my head daily but I know it takes time for my heart to fully heal...Never in a million years did we think we would have been dealt this kind of struggle our first year of marriage. I remember praying...Really God, we aren't equipped for this kind of struggle in our marriage yet..And God answered oh yes you are..."I don't give you anything you can't handle"

March 2011...Scott and I took a LONG road trip to Florida for my spring break. A much needed break from the stress of losing a baby. We had a blast! I even took my first trip to a Casino where I proceeded to lose twice as much as I brought in. Moral of story...Don't let me gamble! Scott also took on a huge project and re-did our whole kitchen on his own.

April 2011...Scott and I learned how to lean on each other fully. This month was a tough month for us but we made it through! I finally finished the academic part of my pharmacy school! I received my pin and now I am about to start my rotations here on Monday!

And here we are May 2011 on our first year anniversary!! So exciting!! We made it!

This year has been filled with so much joy, laughter, love, struggle, heartache, etc. Through it all though two things stayed constant our love for one another and our God. I learned very fast that the man being the spiritual leader did not mean that Scott had to lead me ALL the time. Yes, he did his best to do that but at times he was weak and needed me. And at the end of the day we both needed to be growing towards God in order to grow towards each other.

Prayer..Prayer..Prayer is the answer!! We have spent a lot of time together and a part praying throughout this first year of marriage. If there was ever anything we did not feel at peace about we prayed about it.

Prepare to struggle! I am guilty of this! After May 15,2010 (our wedding day) I thought marriage was supposed to be FUN and GAMES all the time. HAH! I was wrong. There is always going to be obstacles and as a couple you have to be ready to tackle them TOGETHER with GOD.

I still to this day have to pinch myself and thank God for the man he has given me to love me! And I have the biggest joy of loving him back. He gets me every time with his dark brown eyes, tanned skin, and big heart. No..everyday is not perfect..but life is never perfect. Our love is fun, complicated at times, full of laughter, unconditional AND that in of itself is perfect enough for me. Happy Anniversary to my sweetheart! Can't wait for at least 60 more!

I included our wedding video's if you want to see:

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