Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Who Am I?

I am a wife, daughter, and mother(to a sweet angel in heaven). I am a runner, soon to be Pharmacist, coffee lover, animal lover, and friend. As I was sitting here yesterday feeling a little troubled as I dread every 4th of the month since the miscarriage happened Feb 4 I turned on a sermon I had missed from 12 stone Easter Sunday titled Who Am I? I realized I am so many things but most importantly I am a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ. My husband doesn't define me, neither does my miscarriage, or becoming a pharmacist. The one thing that defines me most and my heart is that I have Jesus in my heart. I have to be completely honest and this is the total truth. As today marks 3 months since the miscarriage the ONE and ONLY constant thing that has gotten me through both the sad and the happy days is knowing that I have a God who gave his one and only son to die for my sins and who ever believes in him will not perish and have eternal life. He bled for me, suffered for me, and took the burden for all my sins. God never promised me this life would be easy BUT he did promise that he would never leave my side and he also promised if I trusted him with my life & believed in him I would have eternal life. His presence and love over me these past few months has been the ONLY thing that has carried me through. Yes, my friends, family, and husband have been more than wonderful. But they don't know the plan for me life...they can pretend like they know I will have a baby again one day...they can offer words of wisdom BUT only God knows the plan for my life. God isn't just going to say he loves me...He is going to prove it. And at the end of the day God will listen to the desires of my heart and I believe one day he will give me a baby. We all have to be patient in life to see his plan. His blessings don't always happen over night...but when the blessings do come...they will knock you off your feet time and time again. Do you think medicine is the sole force that cures cancer or terminal illness? Do you think time only heals a broken heart? The answer is NO! God performs these miracles. And yes it is too big for us to even fathom BUT nothing in life is ever to big for God.

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