Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Tonight I write a little heavy heartedly as my sweet husband sleeps next to me. We are away on our ONE year anniversary trip! Yes we made it through what many claim to be the hardest year...Wahoo! To be honest this year was such a wonderful year for us full of laughter, blessings, and just plain fun! I have every reason in the world to be so happy and trust me I am! But as this Mother's Day rolled around I knew I would wake up with an even greater emptiness this morning than I have felt these past three months. See... we planned this anniversary trip around the Baby. We knew I wasn't allowed to travel far so we picked somewhere close but somewhere we both loved. The original plan was to go to Ireland but that got quickly kicked out the door the moment we knew we were expecting. As I woke up this morning at 6am (ugh!) I sat and read my Bible for a little while until Scott got up. He knew today would be hard for me without us even having to talk about it. So he planned a day around things I love to do. We went on a 8 mile walk/run, made homemade fajitas, laid by the ocean for a very long time and got sunned, went to a very nice restaurant where I proceeded to order the most expensive thing on the menu, went to see the movie Something Borrowed, and came back to the Condo just in time for what he considers my bedtime(9:30 haha I am such an old lady). So even though I am not celebrating this Mother's Day as a mommy like originally planned...I got to spend this day with my sweetheart and the man I love more than anything in the world. And that in of itself is a reason to dance around and shout for joy!

As I was reading my Bible today I kept on coming back to this one verse. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. During this time while Scott and I are walking through God's valley I cling to this because one thing is for sure and that is God has never let me down. His plan always ends up being awesome! Even when I have to wait for it...I always look back in awe of the way God works.

Have a good night! and Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's! Especially my sweet mom...I hope one day I can be at least half the mom you have been to me.

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