Monday, May 23, 2011

I Lift My Hands

This song describes where I am with my life BUT most importantly this is a reflection of where I should be always...Lifting my hands high no matter what the circumstance in life. Recently, late one night I woke Scott up from his sleep and told him I had given up "trying" for a baby. It was no fun and I had just had enough. I was over OPK, charting, etc. I am lifting my hands to Jesus literally. Giving our struggles to God is the best thing that could happen in a tough situation. There really is nothing we can do to change the situation so why not give it to the man who sent his one and only son to earth that could heal the blind, walk on water, live with no sin here on earth, and so much more. Why not fully trust him that he has got this struggle in his hands and can handle it much better than you could ever on your own? Well the answer to why this is not always easy is because we are selfish humans. We think when things aren't going exactly as planned that God is not doing a very good job so we will just take it into our own hands. Well this thinking gets us in trouble. I encourage you to give whatever you are struggling with to God because there is no better feeling to feel as though your burdens are lifted and ultimately God will provide his perfect plan.

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