Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas! (32/33 weeks)

I have really slacked on posting the past two weeks. Mainly because some of my favorite people were in town for 10 days and I couldn't get enough of them to take a break to write something! My mom, my sister, and my step-dad came to visit and we had such a good time! Scott even got off the whole week with us & he cooked a full breakfast for us every morning! Christmas is always special but this year it took on a whole new meaning for us. We didn't get caught up in the gift giving at all and just spent quality time with each other. It was so incredibly nice. I always cry the day they leave. It is just something we have grown to accept and it takes me a good week to recover from them leaving.

It is especially hard to leave my mom. She is my best friend and never in a million years did I think I would live 500 miles away from her. I have always appreciated her but each year I feel like I grow to appreciate her & love her more even though I always think I can't love her any more because I already love her so much! She is the most selfless person I know. I hope I can be half the mom to Copelyn that she has been to me. While she was here she washed every one of Copelyn's outfits for me, washed my clothes (which no matter what I can't ever do it like her), and cooked us our favorite foods. She always makes sure my sister and I are taken care of before herself. I love our relationship and how close we have always been. My favorite thing to do is lay in the bed with her & my sister and laugh! She loves to laugh and she can make any bad situation...good. I am so thankful God gave me her as my mom!

Copelyn and I are doing well! We got to see her this past week and she is so cute! She looks a lot like her daddy even though I don't want to admit it since I am the one who has been carrying her for 9 months!! She has the cutest cheeks and I can't wait to kiss them! We still have been exercising daily but sweet girl has made it kind of difficult. She still pushes as hard as she can against me and I have tried to tell her that she is pushing on my organs & it hurts!!...But she doesn't listen! I fall asleep at about 9pm every night due to the fact she gets me up now at least 5 times a night to pee! I guess she is breaking me in for motherhood which is just fine because then I will be used to it by the time she gets here in 6 weeks. My dilated vein gets bigger and bigger by the day it seems. I have found the longer I stand still without walking makes it worse but as long as I am moving it doesn't bother me. I think she has a thing for my right side because that is where she puts all her pressure. At our ultrasound this past week it looks as though she has turned breech again. ugh! So prayers would be appreciated that she turns head down before she decides to make her arrival. I think she probably just doesn't want to be upside down for that long so she is waiting to turn back around. I don't think I would like to hang upside down for 6 weeks either!

Copelyn was spoiled rotten for Christmas!! She got so many cute new outfits! (even though her closet is already full...I have tried to tell her Daddy that a girl never has enough clothes)! She also got two pairs of pink Toms which I just am in love with.

Well, that's about it for these past two weeks! We just can't wait for our little one to get here!


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! The ultrasound pictures are wonderful. Only 6 more weeks you must be so excited!!

  2. So glad momma and baby are doing well! Looks like just 7 or so more weeks! So exciting. I love that she already has two pairs of Toms. Precious.

    Hope you are doing well! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
