Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hillsong - You Hold Me Now - Faith+Hope+Love - With Subtitles

I have to tell you this week started off pretty bad on Monday. I had a test on Monday that I studied all weekend and last week for. I knew when I walked out of the test I did not do well. I found myself fighting back the tears until finally one of my good friends just let me cry. I was convinced I got a 30 on the test but sure enough I ended up passing but BARELY. For me this is so hard. I have never almost failed a test in my life. After class that day I went to talk to my teacher. Much to my surprise she told me how proud of me she was for even being there taking tests already and she said I amazed her because I did not quit school when life handed me adversity. Little did she know how bad I really do want to just quit. Thank Jesus for my faith because if it wasn't for him I would not be able to do it all. After I left her office I walked to another one of my professor's office to just sit and cry more. I had not REALLY cried since the Sunday after the miscarriage and boy did it feel good to let it out. This particular professor is a man of faith and through this whole process he and his wife have been so supportive. He just reassured me I wasn't going to fail and everything would work out. God had his hands on me. As I got in my car that day I realized how many people love Scott and I. People have come out of the woodwork to offer advice and love on us. I am the type of person who wears my heart and my faith on my sleeve. If you know two things about me; 1)I love God and 2)I love people. Unfortunately, lately I haven't been my cheerful self every day so my love for people has not been so evident. Thankfully, God knows that and he has sent more and more people to love on Scott and I than I could have ever imagined. I am the type of person that would talk to a tree about anything and everything if it would talk back. 1 Peter 3:15 says "In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have in your heart. But do this with gentleness and respect." As I read this last night I was reminded that some of you might wonder where I get all the hope in my heart. Let me just tell you that my hope comes from God and God alone. I know he loves me so much and that he will listen to the desires of my heart. It might not be on my time but it will be on his time & when he feels the time is right. Scott and I have so much love to give. God knows that. We love children so much. If I could have it my way I would probably build a huge house and fill it with tons of children(both adopted and of our own). I know though that my way is not God's way. He knows I love children and someday I know he will provide them to me one way or the other. In the end of the song that I posted it says three things remain Faith, Hope, and Love; and the greatest of these is love. This is so true. Remember that as you go about your days. The best thing you can do for someone is love on them and that alone could bring them closer to Jesus:)


  1. I love reading your blog and I've been praying for you guys all along. Good things are in your future! I love you two.


  2. I love you and I am so proud of you.
